The Riddle

Here's a riddle for you
Find the answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I
~ The Riddle by Five for Fighting

ephemeral (adj.) [ih-fem-er-uh]
lasting a very short time

ex: You never know what in your life is ephemeral, so savor each moment like it is your last. Carpe diem~

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ephemeral (story) update

Click me! Yays!
I realize it's shorter than usual, and that's because I've been having attention issues. I'll do my best to make these updates meatier, I promise.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ephemeral (story) not-update

I technically have an update. It sucks. So I'm not posting it. I'll look over it the next week and see if I can improve it, but honestly, it feels too dry. Sorry.

Instead, have a video from FMA that has Mustang freaking out over dogs.
Click me.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Sacrifice Can Cost

Sometimes, we don't know who in our lives will be out there to give up something for us. Make a sacrifice.
Almost never do we realize how much that sacrifice costs for that person.
I guess in a culture so used to greed and selfishness, it's hard to anticipate ANY form of sacrifice.
And yet, there are people that are willing to lay down their lives (or maybe just what matters to them; we don't always need to think big) for the sake of the ones they care about. I think there are plenty of big sacrifices in our lives already - our parents, our teachers. They have given up years to help make us wonderful people.
I think the ultimate sacrifice though is to give up our entire lives for someone that may or may not deserve it. Or maybe someone we don't even know. I find it awesome when people are willing to give up just a little to help people they don't know.
But can anyone give up their lives for someone they may not know, or even care about?
What would you give up to save someone that you don't know?

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blog redesign

I got really bored, so I just completely redid my blog.
Obviously, I'm joking.
But seriously, I did change some things. Most notable, you'll notice on the right hand side bar that I've now included links of other people's blogs that are cool (by which, I mean TWO, but the list will hopefully expand) and a link to my Deviantart. I also added a song reference as the blog's official song reference... but... I don't know.
This is where you readers that lurk and never comment get to get a say! I am on the fence between two possible phrases. Pick your favorite please by commenting!
Actually, don't. I decided on something besides the original reference, one that I think fits the idea of "Ephemeral" well ^^

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Gift of Giving

Thanks to Joon for giving me a link to 100 inspiration quotes, even though he misinterpreted my initial desires xD

Anyway, I began browsing through these quotes and found one interesting one:

"Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more." –H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I find this so applicable to my life. Honestly, nothing makes me more happy then just lifting someone's day. Whether it's through a small gift (like baked brownies, I'm looking at you Joan) or just an encouraging message, I love seeing people smile. And honestly, I don't give a damn if I don't get anything (unless I ask for it...). I just want someone there to find a way to make me smile.

So challenge of the day: find a way to make others smile, because it's one of the few gifts that keeps on giving.

Finally! An Ephemeral (story) update!

It's belated but whatever! Click me!
You'll notice that I now have split up the story into arcs based off of season (Parts 1-9 was Autumn, and we're now going into Spring). I plan to end the story at the end of the Spring Arc, so this means we're effectively a third of the way through!
I'll be trying to work on Ephemeral again... but no promises for the next few weeks. SAT and XC is beating me around a lot.
Cheers! ^^

Sunday, October 13, 2013

When You Got to Scream

Academics. Extra-curriculars. Sports. SAT's. EE's. CAS.

One way or another, we all end up facing the same thing: stress. It's easy to feel panicky and like all is lost. I've felt it, you've felt it, I'm pretty sure everyone's felt it in some way.
But what to do when that stress builds up?
We humans are surprisingly good at trying to bottle up our hurt and try to look like nothing's wrong. We could be screaming on the inside, but people only see the smile on your face.
But we're only human. We can crack.
And when you need to scream (metaphorically or otherwise), what then? I think that there's someone out there you can confide in that can help you.
And maybe you should be out there to anyone that may needs a shoulder to cry on. Just don't forget to find a shoulder you can cry on if need be.