The Riddle

Here's a riddle for you
Find the answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I
~ The Riddle by Five for Fighting

ephemeral (adj.) [ih-fem-er-uh]
lasting a very short time

ex: You never know what in your life is ephemeral, so savor each moment like it is your last. Carpe diem~

Monday, September 2, 2013

Can You Hear Me?

As a continuation of my last anti-bullying post, I think I should probably address another big issue: hiding inside oneself. And not just hiding inside because of bullying; hiding our true selves, hiding what we stand for and what we are just to be puppets of society

One of the biggest problems (in my opinion) in our generation's society is conformity; we're expected to dress like that, behave like this, and if you don't, you're just an outsider. While it's good to know why society has that expectation, what I think is more important to know exactly why we choose to conform. Are we afraid of shame? Or maybe we just want to look cool? Are we then saying that our God-given bodies and spirits are not good enough?
I guess I'm jumping to the cynical conclusion that everyone conforms, which is almost obviously not true. But there are a lot of "unique" people out there that have only a very small cluster of friends. So I think I can rightly assume that for some reason about their mannerisms, they aren't good enough to be accepted.
And another thing - would it kill you to try to accept an outsider? And I don't mean that new kid that shows up and is new and doesn't know what the heck is happening and all that crap. I mean accept someone that doesn't fit. Welcome them. Show them life as a friend. Because really, there's little that sucks more than being isolated.

1 comment:

  1. Nice points. But what do you think baout those supposedly "unique" people that do not conform for the sake of not conforming? Does that mean that they are conforming to the concept of unconformity? I think conforming to something is a very broad concept and would be the subject of countless debates.
