The Riddle

Here's a riddle for you
Find the answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I
~ The Riddle by Five for Fighting

ephemeral (adj.) [ih-fem-er-uh]
lasting a very short time

ex: You never know what in your life is ephemeral, so savor each moment like it is your last. Carpe diem~

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ephemeral (Story) Update and DeviantArt

First and foremost, the obligatory update is here. I may take a break from writing Ephemeral for about a week in the near future, but I don't know exactly when. I'll announce it when that happens.

Second, I got a new DeviantArt. You can see my wonderful art there. By which I mean the same style seven times in a row xD But whatever, eye candy is eye candy. I may delve into pixel art since I've proven in one of my art pieces (which isn't on DeviantArt) that I am capable of at least very basic pixel art, but we'll see how that goes.

Enjoy ^^

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