The Riddle

Here's a riddle for you
Find the answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I
~ The Riddle by Five for Fighting

ephemeral (adj.) [ih-fem-er-uh]
lasting a very short time

ex: You never know what in your life is ephemeral, so savor each moment like it is your last. Carpe diem~

Sunday, September 15, 2013


This may or may not be more of a rant than an actual philosophical rambling.

But I want to know - why do people feel the need to do so many rude and otherwise inappropriate things on the internet? I specifically refer to social networking sites: the ones I will be specifically addressing is and Facebook - neither of which are actually bad sites, but have lead to a system of abuse that is partly (if not entirely) cyber bullying.

Now first, I'm sure a million people have addressed this (For those of you SFS people, I think Taylor had a long Facebook post addressing this very thing) but honestly, this site has produced a lot of ill-will comments. While I cannot doubt that some people actually post genuine, non-insulting questions, others are just outright degrading. And what's even more bothersome is that people think their anonymity gives them the right to unleash the nastiest things out there (for example, I've been called a waste of oxygen, and I think there was someone that was insulted for being so faithful). I don't know if people realize this, but putting on the mask of anonymity doesn't change the fact that it's so obvious how much your words sting.
Sticks and stones may break my bones. And words will ever hurt me.

Something less serious, is Facebook "frapings". It's another way of putting on a mask and insulting someone - albeit, less emotionally detrimental than the cyberbullying that flies around on, but still enough to be embarrassing. To anyone that's clueless, when you "frape" someone, you basically get into their Facebook (maybe you got on their computer or something) and post random, embarrassing comments or send chats with similarly weird content. First of all, why the heck is this so funny? Fraping seems to be one of the most ubiquitous activities out there, and yet, I see no emotional appeal for doing so. Why would anyone enjoy this embarrassing and mean process? Because it's funny? Sorry, but where I come from (a civilized little town in New Jersey), that's called bullying.
Sticks and stones may break my bones. And words will ever hurt me.

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